Thursday 12 July 2012

A Bust of Nelson Rockefeller: The Supreme Court Did What?

In a decision that falls under the "WTF???" category, the Canadian Supreme Court ruled today (in several seperate decisions, apparently) that music artists, composers, producers and such no longer receive royalties from music downloaded online.  Say what?

Yes, indeed.  So the next time someone downloads a song (or a freaking album!) from their favourite artist... that artist no longer receives a cut.

Imagine that you're a talented musician, and you just released a great single to the public.  Millions of copies are sold in 5 minutes.  And you don't see a dime of those sales.  Not one measely, stinking cent.  Oh yeah.  That's a great idea.

That's akin to deciding that the writer of a book doesn't receive a royalty when someone buys their eBook.  It's freaking crazy stupid nonsense is what it is!  You want to talk about a slippery slope, this is a bowling lane inclined at 50 degrees and greased with vaselene.  Next, artists aren't going to get cash when people buy the bloody physical CD!  Authors won't get a fucking penny when someone buys the novel they worked on for 5 years!  When a painter sells her masterpiece for 48 billion, she'll get... nothing. NOTHING!!!  This is the stupidest ruling in the history of ever.

Why do we have a supreme court again?

1 comment:

  1. Bad decision indeed! They got the textbook photocopying thing right, I believe as really we are trying to teach and all the tariffs for that are just nonsense:

    "And in a case that has implications for how schools and teachers can use photocopied textbook material, the top court rejected an earlier ruling from the Copyright Board that said a royalty had to be paid because the use of material wasn't covered by the "fair dealing" provision in copyright legislation."
